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赵爱特,女,中共党员,博士,助理教授,青岛大学青年卓越人才;毕业于中国海洋大学,莱斯特大学访问学者。CCFACM会员,《IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems》、《Neurocomputing》、《Applied Intelligence》等国际期刊审稿人。以第一作者或通讯作者身份发表SCI高水平国际论文十余篇,与剑桥大学合作在国际顶刊《Nature(IF=42.779)上发表一篇文章。







[1] Yu, X., Chen, X., Amrute-Nayak, M., Allgeyer, E., Zhao, A., Chenoweth, H., Clement, M., Harrison, J., Doreth, C., Sirinakis, G., Krieg, T., Zhou, H., Huang, H., Tokuraku, K., Johnston, D., Mallat, Z. and Li, X. "MARK4 controls ischaemic heart failure through microtubule detyrosination", Nature. 2021. Published online.(世界顶刊)

[2] Zhao, A., Dong, J., Li, J.,Qi, L. and Zhou, H. "Associated spatio-temporal capsule network for gait recognition", IEEE Trans. on Multimedia. 2021. Published online.(计算机科学大类1区)

[3] Zhao, A., Dong, J., Qi, L., Zhang, Q., Li, N., Wang, X. and Zhou, H. "Multimodal gait recognition for neurodegenerative diseases", IEEE Trans. on Cybernetics. 2021. Published online.(计算机科学大类1区)

[4] Zhao, A, Li, J., and Ahmed, M. "SpiderNet: A spiderweb graph neural network for multi-view gait recognition." Knowledge-Based Systems 206 (2020): 106273.(计算机科学大类1区)

[5] Zhao, A, Qi, L., Dong, J., Yu, H. "Dual channel LSTM based multi-feature extraction in gait for diagnosis of Neurodegenerative diseases." Knowledge-Based Systems 145 (2018): 91-97.(计算机科学大类1区)


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