,其中2018.12-2019.12美国堪萨斯大学访问学者。目前研究兴趣:基于格的密码学,大数据安全与隐私计算。邮箱:[email protected]
[JCTJ22] Jun Che,Chengliang Tian, Yupeng Jiang and Guangwu Xu, "Algorithms for the Minimal Rational Fraction Representation of Sequences Revisited," IEEE Transactions on Information Theory,vol. 68, no. 2, pp. 1316-1328, Feb. 2022, doi: 10.1109/TIT.2021.3125988.(通讯作者,CCFA,学生一作)
[JTYZ22]Chengliang Tian, Jia Yu, Hanlin Zhang, Haiyang Xue, Cong Wang, Kui Ren. Novel Secure Outsourcing of Modular Inversion for Arbitrary and Variable Modulus. IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, vol. 15, no. 1, pp. 241-253, 1 Jan.-Feb. 2022, doi: 10.1109/TSC.2019.2937486.(CCFB)
[JSTT22]XinSun, ChengliangTian, WeizhongTian and Yan Zhang, Privacy-Enhanced and Verifiable Compressed Sensing Reconstruction for Medical Image Processing on the Cloud, IEEE Access, vol. 10, pp. 18134-18145, 2022, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2022.3151398.(通讯作者,SCI,学生一作)
[JZTZ21]Yunhai Zheng,Chengliang Tian, Hanlin Zhang, Jia Yu, Fengjun Li, Lattice-based weak-key analysis on single-server outsourcing protocols of modular exponentiations and basic countermeasures, Journal of Computer and System Sciences,Volume 121, 2021, Pages 18-33, ISSN 0022-0000,//doi.org/10.1016/j.jcss.2021.04.006.(通讯作者,CCFB,学生一作)
[JZTZ20] Qiang Zhou,Chengliang Tian, Hanlin Zhang, Jia Yu, Fengjun Li, How to securely outsource the extended euclidean algorithm for large-scale polynomials over finite fields, Information Sciences, Vol.512,2020,Pages 641-660,ISSN 0020-0255,//doi.org/10.1016/j.ins.2019.10.007.(通讯作者,CCF B,学生一作)
[JZTT20]Wei. Zhao,Chengliang Tian, Weizhong. Tian and Yan. Zhang, Securely and Efficiently Computing the Hermite Normal Form of Integer Matrices via Cloud Computing, IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp. 137616-137630, 2020,DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3011965(通讯作者,SCI,学生一作)
[JZTZ19] ShengxiaZhang,ChengliangTian, HanlinZhang, JiaYu, and Fengjun Li. Practical and secure outsourcing algorithms of matrix operations based on a novel matrix encryption method. IEEE Access, 7:53823–53838, 2019. DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2913591(通讯作者,SCI,学生一作)
[JMTC19]PanpanMeng,ChengliangTian,XiangguoCheng. Publicly verifiable and efficiency/security-adjustable outsourcing scheme for solving large-scale modular system of linear equations. J Cloud Comp 8, 24 (2019) doi:10.1186/s13677-019-0145-8(通讯作者,SCI,学生一作)
[JTWL15]Chengliang Tian, Wei Wei, and Dongdai Lin. Solving closest vector instances using an approximate shortest independent vectors oracle. Journal of Computer Science and Technology. 2015,Vol. 30 (6): 1370- 1377(CCFB)
[JTLX14]Chengliang Tian, Mingjie Liu and Guangwu Xu, Measure Inequalities and the Transference Theorem in the Geometry of Numbers. Proceedings of the AMS , Vol. 142, No.1, 2014,47- 57(SCI)
[JTHX14]TIAN ChengLiang, HAN LiDong & XU GuangWu. A polynomial time algorithm for GapCVPP in l1 norm.SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences (Sci China Inf Sci), 2014, 57, 32109:1- 32109:7(CCFB)
[JWTW14]Wei Wei,Tian Chengliang, WangXiaoyun.New transference theorems on lattices possessing n(epsilon)-unique shortest vectors,Discrete Mathematics,2014,315:144-155.(SCI)
[JHTY19]郝泳霖,田呈亮,袁祺.改进的缩减轮Crypton-256分组密码算法的中间相遇攻击,密码学报, 2019, 6(3): 370-382.
[CWLT11] Xiaoyun Wang, Mingjie Liu,Chengliang Tian, Jingguo Bi. Improved Nguyen-Vidick Heuristic Sieve Algorithm for Shortest Vector Problem,6th International Symposium on Information, Computer and Communications Security (ASIACCS 2011),2011.3.22-2011.3.24.
Formoredetails, please refer to myDBLP://dblp.org/pid/69/10310.html
周强,张胜霞,孟盼盼(2017级) 郑云海,赵韦,李懿喆(2018级),孙鑫,邵宇航,邓旭东(2019级),杨坤,杨琳琳(2020级),徐立达,朱国富,吴铎(2021级)