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国家自然科学基金项目,云环境下隐私性保护图匹配查询技术研究, 2025.01-2027.12.
山东省自然科学基金项目,面向云存储加密图数据的匹配查询技术研究, 2025.01-2027.12.
Xinrui Ge, Jia Yu, Rong Hao. Privacy-Preserving Graph Matching Query Supporting Quick Subgraph Extraction. IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing. 2024,21(4),1286 - 1300. (SCI收录,CCF A类,ESI高被引论文)
Xinrui Ge, Jia Yu, Hanlin Zhang, Chengyu Hu, Zengpeng Li, Zhan Qin, Rong Hao. Towards Achieving Keyword Search over Dynamic Encrypted Cloud Data with Symmetric-Key Based Verification. IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, 2021,18(1): 490-504.(SCI收录,CCF A类,ESI高被引论文)
Xinrui Ge, Jia Yu, Hanlin Zhang, Jianli Bai, Jianxi Fan. SPPS:A Search Pattern Privacy System for Approximate Shortest Distance Query of Encrypted Graphs in IIoT. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, 2022,52(1):136-150.(SCI收录,一区,ESI高被引论文)
Xinrui Ge, Jia Yu, Rong Hao, Haibin Lv. Verifiable Keyword Search Supporting Sensitive Information Hiding for the Cloud-Based Healthcare Sharing System. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2022,18(8):5573-5583.(SCI收录,一区)
Xinrui Ge,Jia Yu, Fei Chen, Fanyu Kong, Huaqun Wang. Towards Verifiable Phrase Search over Encrypted Cloud-Based IoT Data. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2021,8(16):12902–12918.(SCI收录,一区)
Xinrui Ge, Jia Yu, Fanyu Kong. Privacy-preserving Boolean range query with verifiability and forward security over spatio-textual data. Information Sciences. 2024, 677, 1-21.(SCI收录,一区)
Xinrui Ge, Guofu Wei, Jia Yu, Amit Kumar Singh, Neal N. Xiong. An Intelligent Fuzzy Phrase Search Scheme Over Encrypted Network Data for IoT. IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, 2022,9(2):377-388.(SCI收录)
Xinrui Ge, Jia Yu, Chengyu Hu, Hanlin Zhang, Rong Hao. Enabling Efficient Verifiable Fuzzy Keyword Search Over Encrypted Data in Cloud Computing. IEEE Access, 2018,6: 45725-45739.(SCI收录)
Yujiao Song, Xinrui Ge, Jia Yu, Rong Hao, and Ming Yang. Enabling Privacy-Preserving K-hop Reachability Query over Encrypted Graphs. IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, 2024,17(3),893-904.(SCI收录,CCF A类)
Yu Song, Jia Yu, Xinrui Ge, Rong Hao. Enabling Privacy-Preserving Boolean kNN Query over Cloud-Based Spatial Data. IEEE Internet of Things Journal. 11(23), 38262– 38272, 2024.(SCI收录,一区)
Yunfeng Zhang, Rong Hao, Xinrui Ge, and Jia Yu. Privacy-preserving verifiable fuzzy phrase search over cloud-based data. Journal of Information Security and Applications. 87, 1-14, 2024. (SCI收录,CCF C类)
Yujiao Song,Xinrui Ge, Jia Yu. Privacy-Preserving Reachability Query over Graphs with Result Verifiability. Computers & Security, 2023, 127:1-10.(SCI收录, CCF B类)
Fangyuan Sun, Jia Yu,Xinrui Ge, Ming Yang, Fanyu Kong. Constrained top-k nearest fuzzy keyword queries on encrypted graph in road network. Computers &Security, 2021, 111:1-14.(SCI收录, CCF B类)
Linhao Cong, Jia Yu,Xinrui Ge. Privacy preserving subgraph isomorphism query for dynamic graph database. Journal of Network and Computer Applications.2023, 211:1-11.(SCI收录,二区)
Linhao Cong, Jia Yu,Xinrui Ge.Enabling efficient privacy-preserving subgraph isomorphic query over graphs. Future Generation Computer Systems, 2022,132:1-10.(SCI收录,二区)
Funfeng Zhang, Rong Hao,Xinrui Ge, Jia Yu. Verifiable Fuzzy Keyword Search Supporting Sensitive Information Hiding for Data Sharing in Cloud-Assisted e-Healthcare Systems. Journal of Systems Architecture, 2023, 142:1-14.(SCI收录,CCF B类)
Xuan Zhao, Jia Yu,Xinrui Ge, Rong Hao. Towards efficient Secure Boolean Range Query over encrypted spatial Data. Computer & Security, 2024, 136:1-12.(SCI收录,CCF B类)