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2003.092007.06 中国海洋大学,  获学士学位

2007.092014.01 中国海洋大学,  获博士学位

2010.092012.09 美国匹兹堡大学,联合培养博士

2014.012020.10 中国海洋大学,  讲师/副教授

2020.11至今  青岛大学, 副教授/特聘教授





[1] Niu, D., Xu, L., Pan, S., Xia, L., & Li, Z*. (2024). SRR-DDI: A drug–drug interaction prediction model with substructure refined representation learning based on self-attention mechanism. Knowledge-Based Systems, 285, 111337.

[2] Niu, D., Zhang, L., Zhang, B., Zhang, Q., & Li, Z*. (2024). DAS-DDI: A dual-view framework with drug association and drug structure for drug-drug interaction prediction. Journal of Biomedical Informatics, 104672

[3] Zhang, L., Niu, D., Zhang, B., Zhang, Q., & Li, Z*. (2024). FSRM-DDIE: few-shot learning methods based on relation metrics for the prediction of drug-drug interaction events. Applied Intelligence, 54(23), 12081-12094.

[4] Zhang, B., Niu, D., Zhang, L., Zhang, Q., & Li, Z*. (2024). MSH-DTI: multi-graph convolution with self-supervised embedding and heterogeneous aggregation for drug-target interaction prediction. BMC bioinformatics, 25(1), 275.

[5] Zhang, L., Niu, D., Zhang, B., Zhang, Q., & Li, Z*. (2024). Property-guided few-shot learning for molecular property prediction with dual-view encoder and relation graph learning network. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics.

[6] Xia, L., Xu, L., Pan, S., Niu, D., Zhang, B., & Li, Z*. (2023). Drug-target binding affinity prediction using message passing neural network and self supervised learning. BMC genomics, 24(1), 557

[7] Pan, S., Xia, L., Xu, L., & Li, Z*. (2023). SubMDTA: drug target affinity prediction based on substructure extraction and multi-scale features. BMC bioinformatics, 24(1), 334.

[8] Li, Z,Jiang, M., Wang, S., & Zhang, S. (2022). Deep learning methods for molecular representation and property prediction. Drug Discovery Today, 27(12), 103373.

[9] Wang, S., Song, T., Zhang, S., Jiang, M., Wei, Z., & Li, Z*. (2022). Molecular substructure tree generative model for de novo drug design. Briefings in bioinformatics, 23(2), bbab592.

[10] 山东省科技进步一等奖"面向领域的智能计算理论方法与产业技术应用"(第四位)



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