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王国栋男,1980年2月出生,山东省潍坊市人,中共党员,博士,教授,硕士生导师,澳门六合彩投注 党委委员、副院长、青岛大学人工智能创新应用研究所所长。

2008年毕业于华中科技大学多谱信息处理技术国家级重点实验室,模式识别与智能系统专业,获博士学位。中国计算机学会高级会员、CCF YOCSEF青岛学术委员会荣誉委员。是《IEEE Transactions on Image Processing》、《Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing》、《Neurocomputing》、《Expert Systems With Applications》、《Mathematical Problems in Engineering》、《Biomedical Signal Processing and Control》、《Optical Engineering》、《Applied Soft Computing Journal》、《Multimedia Tools & Applications》及《Knowledge-Based Systems》等多个SCI国际期刊的审稿人,国内期刊《光学精密工程》(EI)、《激光与光电子学进展》审稿人。


































[1]Xinyue Zhang,Guodong Wang*, Lijuan Yang, Chenglizhao Chen, Lightweight Portrait Segmentation via Edge-optimized Attention, ICASSP 2023 (CCF B会).

[2]Yanjie Wang, Zhijun Zhang, Wenhui Xu, Liqun Chen,Guodong Wang, Luxin Yan, Sheng Zhong, Xu Zou,Learning Oriented Object Detection via Naive Geometric Computing, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems 2023.( SCI, IF:14.255).

[3]Chenglizhao Chen , Jia Song, Chong Peng ,Guodong Wang, Yuming Fa, A Novel Video Salient Object Detection Method via Semisupervised Motion Quality Perception, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology.Vol.32(5):2732-2745.2022.(SCI, IF:5.859) .

[4]Jiajun Zhu,Guodong Wang*, TransText: Improving scene text detection via transformer, Digital Signal Processing. 2022. (SCI, IF:2.920).

[5]Xinyue Zhang, Changxin Gao,Guodong Wang*,Nong Sang, Hao Dong, Semi-supervised portrait matting using transformer, Digital Signal Processing. 2023. (SCI, IF:2.920).

[6]Donghua Liu,Guodong Wang*, Guangtao Zhai, Multi-scale dilated convolution of feature Fusion Network for Crowd counting. Multimed Tools and Applications. 2022.( SCI, IF:1.346).

[7]Hao Dong,Guodong Wang*, Xinyue Zhang, Aggregation Transformer for Human Pose Estimation. ICPR 2022.(CCF C会)

[8]Hao Dong,Guodong Wang*, DISF: Dynamic Instance Segmentation with Semantic Features. ICPR 2022.(CCF C会)

[9]Yanjie Wang, Shiyu Hu,Guodong Wang*, Chenglizhao Chen, Zhenkuan Pan, Multi-scale dilated convolution of convolutional neural network for crowd counting, MULTIMEDIA TOOLS AND APPLICATIONS. 2020, 79(1):1057-1073.

[10]Guodong Wang, Zhenkuan Pan, Zhimei Zhang, Deep CNN Denoiser prior for multiplicative noise removal. Multimed Tools and Applications. 2018.( SCI, IF:1.346).

[11]Guodong Wang, Jingge Lu, Zhenkuan Pan,Color texture segmentation based on active contour model with multichannel nonlocal and Tikhonov regularization, Multimed Tools and Applications. Vol.76(22): 24515-24526, 2017.( SCI, IF:1.346).

[12]Guodong Wang,Qian Dong, Zhenkuan Pan, Weizhong Zhang, Jinming Duan, Li Bai, Jinpeng Zhang, Retinex theory based active contour model for segmentation of inhomogeneous images, Digital Signal Processing, Vol. 50 (3), 43–50, 2016.(SCI, IF:1.495).

[13]Guodong Wang, Jie Xu, Zhenkuan Pan, Qian Dong, Zhimei Zhang, Shixiu Zheng, Motion deblurring using normalized nonlinear diffusion regularization, Optik- International Journal for Light and Electron Optics, Vol. 126 (24), 4981-4986, 2015.(SCI, IF:0.8).

[14]Guodong Wang, Jie Xu, Zhenkuan Pan, Zhaojing Diao, Ultrasound Image Denoising Using Backward Diffusion and Framelet Regularization, Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, Vol.13(9):212-217, 2014.(SCI,IF:1.532).

[15]Guodong Wang, Zhenkuan Pan, Qian Dong, Ximei Zhao, Zhimei Zhang and Jinming Duan, Unsupervised texture segmentation using active contour model and oscillating information, Journal of Applied Mathematics, 614613.1-11, 2014.(SCI, IF:1.194).

[16]Guodong Wang, Qian Dong, Zhenkuan Pan, Ximei Zhao and Jinbao Yang, Active Contour Model for Ultrasound Images with Rayleigh Distribution, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 295320.1-12, 2014, (SCI, IF:1.082).

[17]G.D.Wang, C.Y.Chen, X.B.Shen. Facet based infrared small target detection method, IEE Electronics Letters, Vol.41 No.22, 1244-1246, 2005. (SCI, IF:1.0)

[18]Guodong Wang, Nong Sang, Luxin Yan, Xubang Shen. X-ray angiogram images enhancement by facet-based adaptive anisotropic diffusion, Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, Vol.33 No.2, 140-147, 2009. (SCI, IF:1.5)

[19]Jinming Duan, Zhaowen Qiu, Wenqi Lu,Guodong Wang, Zhenkuan Pan, Li Bai, An edge-weighted second order variational model for image decomposition, Digital Signal Processing, Vol. 49 (2), 162-181, 2016. (SCI, IF:1.495).

[20]Li, Shuai,Guodong Wang, Ximei Zhao. Multiplicative noise removal via adaptive learned dictionaries and TV regularization, Digital Signal Processing, Vol. 50 (3), 218-228, 2016. (SCI, IF:1.495).

[21]Jingge Lu,Guodong Wang, Zhenkuan Pan. Nonlocal Active Contour Model for Texture Segmentation.Multimedia Tools and Applications.Vol.76(8):10991-11001, 2017.(SCI, IF:1.346).

[22]Jinming Duan, Zhenkuan Pan, Weibo Wei,Guodong Wang, Cunliang Liu, Some Fast Projection Methods of Chan-Vese Model without Re-initialization for Variational Image Segmentation, EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing, 2014:7, 2014, (SCI, IF:0.82).

[23]Danfeng Hong, Wanquan Liu, Jian Su, Zhenkuan Pan,Guodong Wang, A novel hierarchical approach for multispectral palmprint recognition, Neurocomputing, 2015, 151:511-521, (SCI, IF:2.0).

[24]Guodong Wang, Jie Xu, Zhenkuan Pan, Weizhong Zhang, Zhaojing Diao, Image Decomposition Model OSV with L0 Sparse Regularization, Journal of Information and Computational Science, Vol.12 (2), 743-750, 2015. (EI)

[25]Guodong Wang, Jie Xu, Zhenkuan Pan, Zhaojing Diao, Motion Deblurring Using Hybrid Fidelity Terms, Journal of Information and Computational Science, Vol.12 (9), 3415-3422, 2015. (EI)

[26]Guodong Wang, Jie Xu, Qian Dong, and Zhenkuan Pan, Active Contour Model Coupling with Higher Order Diffusion for Medical Image Segmentation, International Journal of Biomedical Imaging, Vol. 2014, pp. 237648-237656, 2014.(EI)

[27]Guodong Wang, Jie Xu, Zhenkuan Pan and Jinbao Yang, Variational Image Decomposition Model OSV With General Diffusion Regularization, Journal of Software, Vol.9, No.8, 2105-2111, 2014.

[28]Guodong Wang, Jie Xu, Zhenkuan Pan and Jinbao Yang, Multiplicative Noise Removal Using TVL1 Norm and Adaptive Penalty Parameter, Journal of Information and Computational Science, Vol.11 (11), 3993-4001, 2014. (EI)

[29]Guodong Wang, Jie Xu, Zhenkuan Pan and Weizhong Zhang, Variational OSV Decomposition Model for Color Image With Nonlinear Diffusion Regularization, Journal of Information and Computational Science, Vol.11 (11), 3775-3782, 2014. (EI)

[30]Guodong Wang, Zhenkuan Pan, Jie Xu, Motion deblurring using normalized L0 sparse representation, Journal of Information and Computational Science, Vol.11 (12), 4167-4173, 2014. (EI)

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