沈文婷,女,1991年9月生,博士,副教授,硕士研究生导师,青岛大学特聘教授,山东省青创科技计划创新团队带头人,山东省区块链研究会理事;毕业于山东大学,美国宾夕法尼亚洲立大学联合培养博士研究生。主持国家自然科学基金青年项目1项、山东省自然科学基金青年项目1项、山东省计算机网络重点实验室开放课题1项、青岛市博士后基金1项。担任IEEE TIFS、IEEE TDSC、IEEE TSC、IEEE IOTJ等期刊审稿人。
在IEEE TIFS、IEEE TDSC、IEEE TSC, IEEE IOTJ、IEEE TCC、FGCS等国内外知名期刊和国际学术会议上发表学术论文20余篇。其中,在信息安全领域国际重要期刊以及CCF指定的国际顶级A类期刊TIFS上发表的论文“Identity-Based Integrity Auditing and Data Sharing with Sensitive Information Hiding for Secure Cloud Storage”自2018年8月在线发表至今,一直位于该期刊Most Popular论文排行榜榜首,入选ESI高被引论文。并受IEEE SPS邀请做面向全球的在线报告。
联系方式:Email: [email protected]
1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目(62102211)-面向高效安全存储的云数据完整性检测的研究 2022.01-2024.12
2. 山东省自然科学基金青年项目(ZR202102240168)-支持密文去重的云数据完整性检测方案的设计 2022.01-2024.12
3. 青岛市博士后基金-安全云存储数据完整性审计关键技术的研发 2022.1-2025.12
4. 山东省计算机网络重点实验室开放课题(SDKLCN-2020-02)2021.01-2022.12
Yinghui Huang, Wenting Shen (通讯作者), Jing Qin. Certificateless cloud storage auditing supporting data ownership transfer. Computers & Security, 2024. (CCF B)
Wenting Shen, Chao Gai, Jia Yu, Ye Su. Keyword-Based Remote Data Integrity Auditing Supporting Full Data Dynamics. IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, 2023. (CCF A)
Chao Gai, Wenting Shen (通讯作者), Ming Yang, Jia Yu. PPADT: Privacy-Preserving Identity-Based Public Auditing with Efficient Data Transfer for Cloud-Based IoT Data. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2023. (中科院一区)
Wei Cao, Wenting Shen (通讯作者), Zhixiang Zhang, Jing Qin. Privacy-preserving healthcare monitoring for IoT devices under edge computing. Computers & Security, 2023, 134: 103464. (CCF B)
Yinghui Huang, Wenting Shen (通讯作者), Jing Qin, Huiying Hou. Privacy-preserving certificateless public auditing supporting different auditing frequencies. Computers & Security, 2023, 128: 103181. (CCF B)
Jingze Yu, Wenting Shen (通讯作者). Secure cloud storage auditing with deduplication and efficient data transfer. Cluster Computing, 2023: 1-13.
Wenting Shen, Jia Yu, Ming Yang, Jiankun Hu. Efficient Identity-Based Data Integrity Auditing with Key-Exposure Resistance for Cloud Storage. IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, 2022. (CCF A)
Wenting Shen, Jing Qin, Jia Yu, Rong Hao, Jiankun Hu. Enabling Identity-Based Integrity Auditing and Data Sharing with Sensitive Information Hiding for Secure Cloud Storage. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security. (中科院一区, CCF A, ESI高倍引论文)
Wenting Shen, Jing Qin, Jia Yu, Rong Hao, Jiankun Hu, Jixin Ma. Data Integrity Auditing without Private Key Storage for Secure Cloud Storage. IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing. (中科院二区)
Wenting Shen, Guangyang Yang, Jia Yu, Hanlin Zhang, Fanyu Kong, Rong Hao. Remote data possession checking with privacy-preserving authenticators for cloud storage. Future Generation Computer Systems. (中科院二区)
Wenting Shen, Jia Yu, Hui Xia, Hanlin Zhang, Xiuqing Lu, Rong Hao. Light-weight and privacy-preserving secure cloud auditing scheme for group users via the third party medium. Journal of Network and Computer Applications. (中科院二区)
Wenting Shen, Ye Su, Rong Hao. Lightweight Cloud Storage Auditing with Deduplication Supporting Strong Privacy Protection. IEEE ACCESS (中科院二区)
Wenting Shen, Jing Qin, Jixin Ma. A Lightweight Identity-Based Cloud Storage Auditing Supporting Proxy Update and Workload-Based Payment. Security and Communication Networks. (CCF C)
Wenting Shen, Jia Yu, Guangyang Yang, Yue Zhang, Zhangjie Fu, Rong Hao. Access-Authorizing and Privacy-Preserving Auditing with Group Dynamic for Shared Cloud Data. KSII Transactions on Internet & Information Systems.
沈文婷, 于佳, 杨光洋, 程相国, 郝蓉. 具有私钥可恢复能力的云存储完整性检测方案. 软件学报. (CCF A类中文期刊)
Wenting Shen, Jia Yu, Rong Hao, Xuan Wang. A public cloud storage auditing scheme for resource-constrained clients. International Journal of High Performance Systems Architecture.
Xiang Gao, Jia Yu, Wenting Shen, Yan Chang, Shibin Zhang, Ming Yang, Bin Wu. Achieving low-entropy secure cloud data auditing with file and authenticator deduplication. Information Sciences.(中科院一区)
Guangyang Yang, Jia Yu, Wenting Shen, Qianqian Su, Zhangjie Fu, Rong Hao. Enabling public auditing for shared data in cloud storage supporting identity privacy and traceability. Journal of Systems and Software. (CCF B)