智能科学与技术系。在包括IEEE TCSVT,Pattern Recognition, Knowledge-based Systems, Information Sciences,EAAI, AAAI等知名国际会议上累计发表各类研究论文14篇。其中,以第一作者发表论文8篇;申请国家发明专利授权4项;以独立一作发表中文核心期刊6篇,省部级及以上竞赛获奖2项,此外还参与高效并行训练AI大模型Colossal-AI编写,目前github star超过35.2k。
[1]理论层面:非完备数据条件下的机器学习算法,包括偏多标记学习(Partial Multi-Label Learning)、偏标记学习(Partial-Label Learning)等。
[2]应用层面:聚焦于深度学习框架下的图像语义理解算法研究:弱监督多标记图像分类(Multi-Label Image Classification)、多模态学习(Multi-Modal Learning)、目标检测(Object Detection)等。
联系方式:Email:[email protected]
[1]Fan J, Yu Y, Wang Z, et al. Partial label learning based on disambiguation correction net with graph representation[J]. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 2021, 32(8): 4953-4967.
[2]Fan J, Wang Z. Partial Label Learning via GANs With Multiclass SVMs and Information Maximization[J]. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 2022, 32(12): 8409-8421.
[3]Fan J, Yu Y, Wang Z. Addressing label ambiguity imbalance in candidate labels: Measures and disambiguation algorithm[J]. Information Sciences, 2022, 612: 1-19.
[4]Fan J,Yu Y, Huang L, et al. GraphDPI: Partial label disambiguation by graph representation learning via mutual information maximization[J]. Pattern Recognition, 2023, 134: 109133.
[5]Fan J,Yu Y, Wang Z. Partial label learning with competitive learning graph neural network[J]. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 2022, 111: 104779.
[6]Fan J,Jiang Z, Xian Y, et al. A multi-class partial hinge loss for partial label learning[J]. Applied Intelligence, 2023: 1-16.
[7]Huang L,Fan J(共同一作), Zhao W, et al. A new multi-source Transfer Learning method based on Two-stage Weighted Fusion[J]. Knowledge-Based Systems, 2023, 262: 110233.
[8]Fan J, Liu M, Zhang XC, et al. Preparation of carboxymethyl chitosan thio derivatives and corrosion inhibition of Q235B carbon steel in oiffield reinjection[J]. Journal of Functional Materials/Gongneng Cailiao, 2018, 49(10).
[9]Yu Y,Fan J, Wang Z, et al. A dynamic ensemble method for residential short-term load forecasting[J]. Alexandria Engineering Journal, 2023, 63: 75-88.
[10]Hu X, Zhang L, Liu J,Fan J,et al. GPTR: Gestalt-Perception Transformer for Diagram Object Detection[C]//Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence. 2023, 37(1): 899- 907.
[11]Yu Y,Fan J,Xian Y, et al. Graph Neural Network for Senior High Student’s Grade Prediction[J]. Applied Sciences, 2022, 12(8): 3881.
[12]Xian Y, Liu G,Fan J, et al. YOT-Net: YOLOv3 combined triplet loss network for copper elbow surface defect detection[J]. Sensors, 2021, 21(21): 7260.A dynamic ensemble method for residential short-term load forecasting[J]. Alexandria Engineering Journal, 2023, 63: 75-88.
[13] Xian Y, Yu Y, Lian Y,Fan J, et al. An EA-based pruning on improved YOLOv3 for rapid copper elbow surface defect detection[J]. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 2023, 123: 106412.
[14] Jiang Z, Dong Z,Fan J,et al. Breast TransFG Plus: Transformer-based fine-grained classification model for breast cancer grading in Hematoxylin-Eosin stained pathological images[J]. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 2023, 86: 105284.