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长期从事计算机公共课教学,讲授“大学计算机基础”、“计算机操作技能”、“Visual BASIC程序设计”、“C语言程序设计”、“Internet技术”等多门课程。出版计算机基础课程教材多部,主持或参与多项教学改革项目。曾获得山东省优秀教学成果二等奖、山东省实验教学与实验技术成果二等奖、青岛市科技进步一等奖、青岛大学优秀教师、青岛大学教学优秀奖等多项奖励。

目前主要进行计算机辅助教学和软件开发技术方向的研究工作。先后完成了“计算机公共课程网络教学和实验平台”、“Visual BASIC课程网络教学环境”、“计算机操作技能实验效果网络测评系统”的研究和开发工作。在软件开发、网络教学平台建设、CAI课件制作领域具有丰富的经验。

Fangqiu Xia, associate professor, deputy director of Basic Computer Teaching Center.

For a long time, he is primarily responsible for the teaching of basic computer courses, including University Basic Computer, Computer Skills, Programming in Visual BASIC, Programming in C, Internet Technology etc. He has published several basic computer course textbooks, completed a number of teaching reform projects, and won some awards.

His current research focuses on computer-aided instruction and software development technology.He has completed a number of research and development project, and has a wealth of experience in software development, network teaching platform, CAI courseware fields.

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