2014.6-至今 青岛大学,讲师
[1]国家自然科学基金项目:基于健康数据分析的半监督在线学习血糖预测建模算法研究(61503208),时间:2016年1月- 2018年12月,项目负责人
[2]山东省自然科学基金项目:基于健康数据分析的半监督在线学习血糖预测建模算法研究(ZR2015PF002),时间:2015年7月- 2016年12月,项目负责人
[3]国家自然科学基金项目:基于行为的复杂管理系统及其动态博弈分析(71571108),时间:2016年1月- 2019年12月,第七完成人
[4]山东省自然科学基金项目:基于大数据的管理决策及其动态博弈分析—发展战略专题(ZR2015GZ007),时间:2015年5月- 2016年12月,第八完成人
[1]Jun Ji, Xuefeng B Ling, Yingzhen Zhao, Zhongkai Hu, Xiaolin Zheng, Zhening Xu, Qiaojun Wen, Zachary Kastenberg, Ping Li, Fizan Abdullah, Mary L. Brandt, Richard A. Ehrenkranz, Mary C. Harris, Timothy C. Lee, Joyce Simpson, Corinna Bower, R. Lawrence Moss, Karl G. Sylvester. A data-driven Algorithm Integrating Both Clinical and Laboratory Tests for the Diagnosis and Prognosis of Pediatric Necrotizing Enterocolitis, PLoS ONE, vol.9(2), pp.e89860, doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0089860, Feb. 2014. (SCI影响因子: 3.73,已被引用7次)
[2] Scott M. Sutherland andJun Ji, Farnoosh H. Sheikhi, Eric Widen, Lu Tian, Steven R. Alexander and Xuefeng B Ling. AKI in Hospitalized Children: Epidemiology and Clinical Associations in a National Cohort, Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, vol.8(10), pp.1661-1669, doi:10.2215/CJN.00270113, Oct. 2013. (SCI影响因子: 5.227,并列第一作者,已被引用23次)
[3]Jun Ji, Haiqing Wang, Kun Chen, Yi Liu. Recursive Weighted Kernel Regression for Semi-supervised Soft Sensing Modeling of Fed-batch Processes, J. Taiwan Inst. Chem. Eng., vol. 43(1), pp. 67-76, doi: 10.1016/j.jtice.2011.06.002, Jan. 2011. (SCI影响因子: 2.11,EI 索引: 20115114625252,已被引6次)
[4]Jun Ji, Jeffrey Ling, Helen Jiang, Qiaojun Wen, John C Whitin, Lu Tian, Harvey J Cohen and Xuefeng B Ling. Cloud-based solution to identify statistically significant MS peaks differentiating sample categories, BMC Research Notes, vol.6:109, doi:10.1186/1756-0500-6-109, Mar. 2013. (已被引用5次)
[5]纪俊.一种基于云计算的数据挖掘平台架构设计与实现 [D]. Diss. 青岛: 青岛大学, 2009. (已被引用32次)
[6] Kun Chen,Jun Ji, Haiqing Wang, Yi Liu, Zhihuan Song. Adaptive Local Kernel-based Learning for Soft Sensor Modeling of Nonlinear Processes, Chem. Eng. Res. Des., vol. 89(10), pp. 2117-2124, doi:10.1016/j.cherd.2011.01.032, 2011. (SCI影响因子: 1.968,EI 索引 : 20113814344456,已被引用27次)
[7] Wu, Shunyao, Fengjing Shao,Jun Ji, Rencheng Sun, Rizhuang Dong, Yuanke Zhou, Shaojie Xu, Yi Sui, and Jianlong Hu. "Network Propagation with Dual Flow for Gene Prioritization." PloS One, vol.10(2), 2015. (SCI影响因子: 3.73)
[8] Karl G Sylvester, Xuefeng B Ling, GY Liu, Zachary J Kastenberg,Jun Ji, Zhongkai Hu, Sihua Peng, Ken Lau, Fizan Abdullah, Mary L Brandt, Richard A Ehrenkranz, Mary Catherine Harris, Timothy C Lee, Joyce Simpson, Corinna Bowers, R Lawrence Moss. A novel urine peptide biomarker-based algorithm for the prognosis of necrotising enterocolitis in human infants, Gut, doi: 10.1136/gutjnl-2013-305130, Online published, Oct. 2013. (SCI影响因子: 10.732,已被引用14次)
[9] Linda Y Liu, Ting Yang,Jun Ji, Qiaojun Wen, Alexander A Morgan, Bo Jin, Gongxing Chen, Deirdre J Lyell, David K Stevenson, Xuefeng B Ling and Atul J Butte. Integrating multiple 'omics' analyses identifies serological protein biomarkers for preeclampsia, BMC Medicine, doi:10.1186/1741-7015-11-236, vol. 11:236, Nov. 2013. (SCI影响因子: 6.68, 已被引用14次)
[10] Xuefeng B. Ling, John T. Kanegaye,Jun Ji, Sihua Peng, Yuichiro Sato, Adriana Tremoulet, Jane C. Burns, and Harvey J. Cohen. Point-of-care Differentiation of Kawasaki Disease from Other Febrile Illnesses, The Journal of Pediatrics, vol. 162(1), pp. 183-188.e3, doi: 10.1016/j.jpeds.2012.06.012, Jan. 2013. (SCI影响因子: 4.042,已被引用6次)
[11] Linda Y Liu, Matthew Cooper, Ting Yang,Jun Ji, Qiaojun Wen, Gongxing Chen, Alex Morgan, David Stevenson, Xuefeng Ling, Atul Butte. 642: Transcriptomics and proteomics ensemble analyses reveal serological protein panel for preeclampsia diagnosis, American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology, vol. 208(1), pp.S272, doi:10.1016/j.ajog.2012.10.808, Jan. 2013. (SCI影响因子: 3.877,已被引用14次)
[12] Xuefeng B. Ling, Kenneth Lau, John T. Kanegaye, Zheng Pan, Sihua Peng,Jun Ji, Gigi Liu, Yuichiro Sato, Tom T.-S Yu, John C Whitin, James Schilling, Jane C Burns and Harvey J Cohen. A diagnostic algorithm combining clinical and molecular data distinguishes Kawasaki disease from other febrile illnesses, BMC Medicine. vol.9:130, doi:10.1186/1741-7015-9-130, Dec. 2011. (SCI影响因子: 6.04,已被引用18次)
[13] Karl G Sylvester, Xuefeng B Ling, Gigi Yuen-Gee Liu, Zachary J Kastenberg,Jun Ji, et al. Urine Protein Biomarkers for the Diagnosis and Prognosis of Necrotizing Enterocolitis in Infants, The Journal of Pediatrics, 2014. (SCI影响因子: 4.042,已被引用14次)
[14]喻海清, 刘毅, 陈坤,纪俊, 李平. 鲁棒的递推核学习建模方法在高炉过程的应用. 浙江大学学报 (工学版). 2012, 4: 019. (EI 索引:20122515138157)
[15]Jun Ji, Fengjing Shao, Rencheng Sun, Neng Zhang, Guanfeng Liu. A TSVM Based Semi-Supervised Approach to SAR Image Segmentation, Proceedings of the 2008 International Workshop on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, vol. 1, IEEE Computer Society, Washington, DC, pp. 495-498, Dec. 2008. (EI索引: 20094612444774,被引用7次)
[16]Jun Ji, Haiqing Wang, Kun Chen, Diancai Yang. kNN-RVM Lazy Learning Approach for Soft-sensing Modeling of Fed-Batch processes, 2011 International Symposium on Advanced Control of Industrial Processes, pp.272-276, Hang Zhou, China, May 2011. (EI索引: 20113014181529,已被引用2次)
[17] Yanchen Gao,Jun Ji, Haiqing Wang, Ping Li. Adaptive Least Contribution Elimination Kernel Learning Approach for Rubber Mixing Soft-sensing Modeling, 2010 IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Intelligent Systems, vol.3, pp.470-474, Xia Men, China, Oct. 2010. (EI索引: 20110313584340,已被引用1次)
[18] Kun Chen, Haiqing Wang,Jun Ji, Zhihuan Song. Adaptive Local Weighted Kernel-based Regression for Online Modeling of Batch Processes, 2010 IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Intelligent Systems, vol.3, pp.105-109, Xia Men, China, Oct. 2010. (EI索引: 20110313584346)
[1]国家发明专利:密炼机的橡胶混炼过程中质量指标数据的软测量方法. 发明人:纪俊,朱可辉,王海清. 申请人:浙江大学.专利号:201010215684.9, 授权日期:2012年7月4日
[2]国家发明专利:胶料自动定位取样控制方法. 发明人:高彦臣,杨殿才,王海清,杭柏林,焦清国,纪俊,孙培峰,谢杰,朱可辉. 申请人:软控股份有限公司.专利号:201010281170.3, 授权日期:2013年11月6日
[3]国际发明专利:Methods and Compositions for Providing a Preeclampsia Assessment, Atul J. Butte, Bruce Xuefeng Ling, Linda Y. Liu, Alex A. Morgan, Gongxing Chen,Jun Ji, Ting Yang. 国际申请号:PCT/US2013/039918, 国际出版号:WO 2013/169751, Nov. 2013.
[4]国际家发明专利:Novel KD diagnostic algorithm with both "cloud" and smart phone based prediction software, Jane Burns, Harvey Cohen,Jun Ji, Bruce Xuefeng Ling, John Whitin. S11-457, April 2012.
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